CPP Idioms
1. The Rule of Three
The Rule of Three is a rule of thumb for C++, basically saying, if your class needs either:
- a copy constructor,
- an assignment operator,
- or a destructor,
then it is likely to need all three of them.
The default semantics for these three member functions are:
- Destructor: Call the destructors of all the object's class-type members
- Copy constructor: Construct all the object‘s members from the corresponding members of the copy constructor’s argument, calling the copy constructors of the object's class-type members, and doing a plain assignment of all non-class type (e.g., int or pointer) data members
- Copy assignment operator: Assign all the object‘s members from the corresponding members of the assignment operator’s argument, calling the copy assignment operators of the object's class-type members, and doing a plain assignment of all non-class type (e.g., int or pointer) data members.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_three_%28C%2B%2B_programming%29
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4172722/what-is-the-rule-of-three?rq=1
2. Copy-and-Swap
The copy-and-swap idiom is the solution, and elegantly assists the assignment operator in achieving two things:
- avoiding code duplication with copy constructor;
- providing a strong exception guarantee;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | // traditional T& operator=(const T& rhs) { T temp(rhs); // create temporary local data of the data, may throw exception swap(*this, temp); // swap the old data with the local new data return *this; // temporay local data destructs with old data destruct } |
Copy-and-swap idiom need three things:
- a working copy-constructor
- a working destructor
- a non-throwing swap function.(should not use
), more about this see Effective CPP Q25
So as to The Rule of Three, the assignment operator can be write in form automatically by adding a swap function.
If you're going to make a copy of something in a function, let the compiler do it in the parameter list.
1 2 3 4 5 6 | // better T& operator(T rhs) // don't need enter the function if construction of the copy fails { swap(*this, rhs); return *this; } |
3. Pointer to implementation (Pimpl)
The pimpl idiom is a modern C++ technique to hide implementation, to minimize coupling(耦合), and to separate interfaces. This technique is described in Design Patterns as the Bridge pattern. It is sometimes referred to as:
- “handle classes”,
- the “Pimpl idiom” (for “pointer to implementation idiom”),
- “Compiler firewall idiom”
- or “Cheshire Cat”,
especially among the C++ community.
Here's how the pimpl idiom can improve the software development lifecycle:
- Minimization of compilation dependencies.
- Separation of interface and implementation.
- Portability.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | // .h class Handler { public: Handler(); void foo1(); int foo2(); Handler(const Handler& other); Handle& Handle::operator=(const Handle &other); private: class HandlerImpl; // 私有,对用户隐藏此类 std::tr1::unique_ptr<HandlerImpl> pimpl; // 用于深拷贝,shared_prt用于浅拷贝 }; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 | // .c class Handler::HandlerImpl { public: ... HandlerImpl() {...} // 修改函数实现,不需要重新编译用户代码 HandlerImpl(const HandlerImpl&) {...} void foo1() {...} int foo2() {...} ... }; Handler::Handler() : pimpl(new HandlerImpl) { ... } Handler::Handler(const Handler& other) : pimple(new HandlerImpl(*(other.pimpl))) // 深拷贝 { ... } Handler& Handler::operator=(Handler other) { swap(*this, other); return *this; } void Handler::foo1() { pimpl->foo1(); } int Handler::foo2() { return pimpl->foo2(); } |
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opaque_pointer
- http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PimplIdiom
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/hh438477.aspx
Copy on Write (COW)
On std::string
NRV(Named Return Value)/RVO(Return Value Optimization)
One Definition Rule (ODR)
Compiler and Name
C/CPP编译期间不一定需要查看函数的声明。对于未声明的函数,编译器可以采用“隐式函数声明(implicit declaration of function)”:编译器认为未声明的函数都返回int,并且能接受任意个数的int型参数。如果声明了函数,则需要进行参数检查。而链接期间一定会做参数检查。
CPP从C那里继承了单遍编译的特点,编译器只能根据目前看到的代码做出决策,后面读到的代码也不会影响前面做出的决定。这也影响了名字查找(name lookup)和函数重载决议。对于一个名字/符号,CPP只能通过解析之前源码来了解名字的含义,而不是像Java那样读取类的元数据获得信息。对于函数重载决议,当CPP编译器读到一个函数调用语句时,它必需(也只能)从目前已看到的同名函数中选出最佳函数,即使后面还有更适合的函数也不影响当前决定(对于class成员函数来说,全体同名函数同会参与重载决议)。
对于函数来说,它的前向声明(forward declaration)就是函数的接口/原型声明。
对于class来说,它的前向声明就是class名的声明class foo;
data abstract vs object-oriented
Data Abstract: Abstract Data Type(ADT), 值语义。拷贝时是内存拷贝。很像Object-based. Object-oriented: 对象/引用语义。拷贝是引用拷贝。三大特征:封装,继承,多态。 Object-based: 对象/引用语义。特征:封装,没有继承和多态。即只有具体类,没有抽象接口。